uncomplicated: Mommy Monday: Feeding a Baby Real Food


Monday, December 1, 2014

Mommy Monday: Feeding a Baby Real Food

Babies are hilarious. They do funny things like pass gas in public and make funny noises at inappropriate times. They're even more funny when you try to get them to do adult things. It's like this miniature human, clumsily going about life. Feeding a baby real food for the fist time is right up there with the "best of" funny moments!

A few months back, I posted this about preparing to feed Henry real food. At the five month mark, we gave him oat cereal. Lil' H absolutely HATED it!

"WHAT is this, ma?! Gross!"

He didn't know what the deal was with the spoon in his mouth. He didn't understand the concept of taking a bite and swallowing. I tried once a day for nearly a month, and only on one or two occasions did Henry finish a bowl (we're talking maybe two table spoons of oat cereal here!) Only on about five or six occasions did he actually swallow the oatmeal as opposed to spitting it all over himself.

"Swallow? From a spoon? What?!" Also note that Henry is flipping me off. He hates oats that much.

Around the six month mark, I decided to try sweet potatoes. Don't let this face fool you... After the initial confusion of "what the heck is this stuff in my mouth", Henry decided he loved them!

"This better not be those damn oats again Mama..."

"Ohhh, just kidding! These are those sweet tater thingys. I love these!"
Be forewarned; sweet potatoes make a massive mess and stain what they get on! Since discovering his love of sweet potatoes, we've learned that Henry likes cheese (we give him tiny pieces of shredded cheddar) and yogurt. We only give him one kind of food at each feeding so he can taste it and explore its texture fully. You don't want to overwhelm a baby with too many tastes, smells and textures at once or they'll determine that real food is too confusing. Patience is key!

Up next we have squash and carrots. I'm hoping these won't stain like the sweet potatoes, because let me tell you: babies get food EVERYWHERE. It's in between their fingers and up their nose. Sometimes it's I even find it in his toes at bath time.

Feeding a kiddo is an extensive process with an elaborate clean up, but it is so fun to watch Henry explore new foods. And make funny faces in the process.


  1. Sweet Henry! I'm glad he's finally loving some "real" food. Who needs cereal anyway, Paige? I mean, veggies are where it's AT!

    1. Hahaha! I don't even blame H. The smell of the oat cereal makes me queasy! Then again, so does the smell of formula, and kiddo loves that...

  2. Picture number two is THE cutest! I found the 'in between the toes' thing to be quite impressive, and now I kind of want to observe a baby eating barefoot just so I can see how they do it...

    1. Oh my gosh, Kirk fed Henry last night and this morning I found sweet potato in the FOLDS OF HIS WRIST. (Yeah, my kid is so chunky that he has wrist folds...) It just gets everywhere!

  3. The facial expression on Henry are just too cute for words!! That first one is like "mom what are you doing?!"

  4. oh my gosh the photo where he is flipping you off, hilarious. i am not looking forward to this part of parenting ;)

    1. Haha! It's not so bad... As long as you're not dressed in clothes you care about, have your hair or makeup done and/or want to take the baby anywhere without giving him a full scrub down and outfit change first!

  5. Hahahahhaah I totally saw that and then cracked up when you shouted out about him flipping you off. The total clean freak in me is totally going to have to get over the mess. I have a feeling it will be like right to the bathtub after meals it looks like? :-) So cute!!

    1. Isn't that hilarious?! And yup, sometimes it's a straight to the tub situation. Henry's new thing is wiping his mouth with his fist, pushing the food up into his nose and eyes. Yikes.

  6. Love the pic of him flipping the bird. So funny! Our daughter didn't love cereal either but loved the sweet potatoes.
    Oh the adventures of baby food!

    1. Sweet potatoes, FTW! Cereal seems to be one big fail with all the babies I know. And no wonder, the stuff looks disgusting!

  7. haha those faces! My niece had one of those chairs, bamboo? or something like that? Anyways they always made me laugh cause they look so cute and grown up propped in the chairs.
