uncomplicated: Mommy Monday: Wrap Buddies To The Rescue!


Monday, December 15, 2014

Mommy Monday: Wrap Buddies To The Rescue!

If you follow me on social media, you've seen what Wrap Buddies did for Henry's helmet. And it's awesome! But here's a bit more of the wrap party story.

Tommy, the owner of 360 Wraps (you know cars/buses with businesses, advertisements and other decals on it? That's what he does) started the nonprofit Wrap Buddies when a friend of his had a child that needed a DOC Band to correct his plagiocephaly. The dad hated his kid being stared at (sound familiar?!) and wanted the white band to look "less clinical and more awesome."

Happy Henry with his Wrap Buddies DOC Band!

So 360 Wraps figured out a way to put a decal on it. The owner thought this was a rare condition. He wasn't aware that many babies have a form of plagiocephaly, and now about 1 in 50 need a helmet to correct the issue. (Rates continue to rise, as babies now only sleep on their backs and consistently apply pressure to their soft skulls.) Low and behold, he became overwhelmed with requests to get these things decked out! Over the course of a few years, he devised a way to get the DOC Bands wrapped quickly and efficiently.

Oh, and he's awesome enough not to charge any family, regardless of ability to pay or not pay, because he knows these damn bands cost $3,000-$4,000 and thinks all families have paid enough. He just thinks all kids should have the ability to look awesome.

Y'all already know that Henry fell into the plagiocephaly camp and needed a helmet. One of my Dallas BFF's told me about Wrap Buddies because, unsurprisingly, she had another friend who's baby needed a helmet and he had gotten his decked out.

The back of Henry's DOC Band

I'm now the Mother of Dragons. Literally.

After we got the band, I contacted Wrap Buddies and was put on the list of families who would be attending the December "wrap party." I went into their offices a few days before to pick out Henry's design, and Friday morning the whole family went back for the party.

They really pulled out the stops for us! They had lunch catered by Dickey's BBQ, had a massive wrapping station for us to watch the process, and a massive play mat with toys laid out for all the babies.

The wrapping station

This was Henry's helmet as it got wrapped

Just when I was already pleased with the whole process, a massive antique firetruck rolled in, sirens blaring and all! And wouldn't you know, Santa was on it. So was the cast of Gas Monkey Garage (I had no idea who these folks were, but hubs was super excited). Santa gave toys to all the babies and Gas Monkey Garage took the time to take pics with all of us.

Henry wasn't sure how he felt about Santa...

I've spent the better part of a decade completing the grueling task of raising funds for nonprofits. But I've never been the beneficiary of one. I now know just how appreciative people are of those who dedicate their lives and livelihoods to nonprofits. I also know a good nonprofit when I see one, and this dear readers, is a good one.

All the folks at Wrap Buddies and Gas Monkey Garage

If you're in the Christmas spirit and looking for a worthy cause to donate to this holiday season, I ask you to consider Wrap Buddies. A click to this link will take you straight to their donation page.


  1. That is the coolest thing! Gives me chills.
    Love Henry's wrap--and yay for meeting Santa!

    1. Yeah, I actually got teary-eyed at the event and had to step away for a minute. We don't typically get to be a part of things like this, so it was really special!

      And Henry was so unimpressed with Santa. He just wanted to watch the ceiling fans, lol!

  2. Seriously that is an amazing organization! I absolutely love their Building a little color into not so colorful situations approach. Henry is such a happy baby (well until Santa is around then he looks like he is checking out the situation ;-) Thank you so much for the heads up! Such a great nonprofit!

    1. Isn't it awesome?! I love that they just take everyone and provide the service with no questions asked. Henry was way more into pulling the lunch I was trying to eat off the table (so, that's a new "skill" he learned...) than sitting in a stranger's lap. At least he wasn't screaming!

  3. What a wonderful organization and I love when people make those things accessible and there is no fee. Such good principles. I never realized this was so common in babies but then again, I don't have kids so I guess I've never looked into it. Sounds like an awesome person and nonprofit. Henry looks adorable and so cool with his little dragon :)

  4. I'm so happy be able to read about this today! I love this so much! How cool is it that no one gets charged and they wrap the bands right in front of you! He looks so cute! I'll definitely have to spread the word about this organization! xx

  5. awww this is so lovely. what a lovely nonprofit indeed. i love Henry's decal!

    1. Aren't they awesome?! They all look like a bunch of rough and tumble badasses, and then they were holding all the babies... It was presh!

  6. What an awesome organization! That's gotta be one of the most amazing parts about owning a business... being able to give back to your community and support families who are going through a rough period. That's amazing that they don't charge. I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor at the cost of the bands themselves. Glad they treated you guys to a nice day. Babies, BBQ, and Santa? Really cool. Also, I'm cracking up at 'mother of dragons'... =)

    1. Girl, that brisket and mac n' cheese were ON POINT! It was a super fun way to spend an afternoon, and now we're left with a shiny helmet. Boom.

  7. What a sweet organization! My friends son just got his band removed and I'm so bummed that she didn't know about these! Also, what a perfect day! Love that last picture of everyone :) Happy Monday!

  8. That is so cool Paige! What an awesome organization! And how awesome that they put on such a big party for everyone. Love their thoughtful spirit.

    1. Isn't it?! I mean, they could just have us come in to get the job done, but no: they thew us a whole party. I loved it!
