uncomplicated: High Five for {Exclamation Point} Friday!


Friday, December 19, 2014

High Five for {Exclamation Point} Friday!

My mom was in town this week! This means the week was extra kick a$$. Here's a quick recap of what went down:

1) I got my hair did!

Hair: Did

2) My fridge is full of mom's cooking!

3) Henry got Oma time! (That's grandma...)

4) I got to drive in my car, by myself. I got to crank tunes. I was feeling like some good hood-rat rap music. So I looked like a pretty basic white b****, bumping out my luxury SUV in Uptown Dallas. And no s**ts were given.

5) We put in another offer on a house (we did not get the one we bid for two weeks ago)! Fingers crossed (again). Dallas is a hot (and expensive) sellers market!

Could THIS be our new home???

Have a great weekend everyone, and keep your fingers crossed for us on the home front!

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  1. Good luck with the offer on this house - it's a beauty and I love the new hair cut!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Yay for moms being in town!! Your hair looks awesome! I hope everything works out with the house!! xx

    1. Do we ever stop needing our mommies?! Nope. That's the conclusion I've come to over the years ;)

  3. Eeek! Good luck x 10000 with the house. That's so exciting.
    Yay OMA TIME! So glad you got to have some time to yourself and with your mom. Life. Saver.

  4. Fingers crossed on the house!!!! And yay for bumping tunes in your car. Those are my favorite days. :)

    1. I love that you commented on that... As another mama, I know you get how precious that time is!

  5. Fridge full of mom's food? Alone time? And a new haircut? You're having a great week! Good luck with the offer this time!

    1. Yes, yes and yes! We'll see about the house... Dallas is a "biding war" kind of market. Grrrrrr!

  6. oh my gawwddd that house is gorgeous...i need to move to Dallas if I can have a house like that! Good luck!!

  7. Ummmmmmm your hair looks fabulous and fingers crossed that house is beautiful! I was just totally hood white girl rapping on the way home with the windows down and sun roof open.....yup. Moms are the best right?

  8. ooo I definitely have my fingers crossed for you! That's so exciting and wouldn't that be the best present ever haha Great hair! Looks gorgeous and sounds like your Mom's visit was a big success

  9. I put exclamations in everything!!!! Its ridiculous but I really hope you get this house its absolutely amazing and beautiful! You are so gorgeous and I love your hair!!!

    Jasmine :)

  10. Good luck on the house - how exciting!! And good hood-rat music - I love it - what were you listening to?? I do love me some Biggie!

  11. Omg, beautiful house!!! Fingers crossed for you! And loving the new hair - lookin good mama!

  12. Thanks lady! I had so many split ends, I just had to get rid of it. It's nice and healthy now ;)

  13. good luck on the house!! hope it works out!! and your hair looks fabulous! so glad you had a great week with your mom in town.
