uncomplicated: Five for Five Friday!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Five for Five Friday!

Jaelan tagged me in a Five for Five post... So I thought, hey! This works for a Friday, since I'm all about the "five things" on Fridays. It's a fun "getting to know the blogger" game.

Here are the questions she sent:

1) What food is your all time favorite?
I only get one? Nooooooo! I'm a lover of food, and a self-proclaimed snobby foodie. But if I only get one, I'll go with cheese. Not that American Kraft singles crap; no no, a good, aged, smelly cheese. Yesssssss.

2) Your favorite dessert?
Don't hate me... But I really don't like sugar. I'm not just saying that! Sugar to me tastes like food that has been over salted to you. But since we're talking about sugar, I guess I'll go with wine (in the form of alcohol sugars!) No sweet wine - yuck! - dry wine. Red in the winter and white in the summer. Mmmmm!

3) What would you train for if you had a free day?
Does this mean "if I had time to train for something" or "if you could spend your day doing something physical"? Honestly, I'm not looking to "train" for anything right now! I've done full and half marathons and endless 10k's and five miler road races. I mentioned it here before, but right now, I'm not into running at all. If this meant the latter, then I'd play on my yoga mat all day, hopefully at an awesome workshop with other yogis!

4) What is your favorite piece of training equipment?
Currently, my yoga mat! I've never been into high tech stuff that spit out stats at you. When I do run, I like to crank tunes and space out, not listen to how well I am or am not preforming. So... an iPhone?

5) Something you are grateful for right NOW!
My handsome husband, ADORABLE son, and cute lil' doggies!

 I hope that was a fun read that amused you while you're Black Friday shopping, or turkey detoxing, or hanging with your family!

I'm linking up with Lauren, one of the few folks posting on this Black Friday!


  1. Come link with me I'm posting today! I did some black friday shopping from the comforts of my bed! :-)

    1. Ohhhhh, dang I missed you! It was like the Black Hole of blog posting - nobody was around!

  2. LOVE cheese too! We are total cheese snobs. And wine snobs as well, ha!
    I'm just getting back into running after an almost year long hiatus. I only ran maybe a handful of times since my last half, but this month I've really been getting an itch to run.

    1. You say you're a wine and cheese snob? Well then, you and I could hang together any day of the week! ;)

  3. ahhh my yoga mat. My favorite place to be!

  4. Yes, cheese!! I'm a vegetarian and actually tried to go vegan before, but I just couldn't deal without cheese. I just love my pizza, ya know! I'm loving my yoga mat these days too. I always find my muscles get so tight in the winter with the cold weather and a good stretch on my yoga mat makes everything better.

    1. I've never even tried to go the vegan route - cheese, yogurt, butter and more cheese are just too good to give up! Yoga is SO good for relieving tight muscles, and a heated room feels great in the winter ;)

  5. you don't like sugar?! girl you crazy. haha jk. i don't like wine that much, and I hate salt. I'm not a cheese snob or anything, but I definitely could never give it up! it's such a fabulous additive to everything!

    1. I know, I know! I'm totally not normal! But I loooooooooove salt! And cheese. Dang I love cheese. I'm the only woman in the world who doesn't care for sugar.
