uncomplicated: Merry Little Christmas Vacation


Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Little Christmas Vacation

Hey friends! I'm taking the week off for a mini-Christmas break with the fam. You can still find me all over Instagram and Twitter this week, blasting social media about our Fargo Family Christmas!

Yes, that's in North Dakota. Yes, North Dakota is indeed a state. Yes, that's on the border of Canada. Yes, it will be unbearably cold for this Southern gal. I will probably have some funny things to say about it after a few glasses of wine. So make sure to hit up An Uncomplicated Life Blog on the social interwebs!

See ya next Monday.

Merry Christmas to all of my readers and blogging family! You have enriched my life TREMENDOUSLY in 2014! Xoxo

Good grief.


  1. Paige I will be home (Fargo) for Xmas too! If you want to get out on the town one night hit me up. I will pm you my phone number.

  2. Ohhh man. Enjoy. Brrrrrr. Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas!! At least snow looks beautiful! ha! Have a safe trip doll! x

  4. Merry Christmas can't wait for the continued updates of fun things you encounter along the way! ;-)

  5. enjoy!! hope you had a lovely christmas :)
