uncomplicated: New Year's Resolutions?


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Resolutions?

Happy NYE!

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. My only experience with them has been the crazies who say they're going to overhaul their diet and lose an insane amount of weight. Two months into the next year, they're right back to their old habits and unhappy with themselves.

I thought, "Why would I want to do that? Resolutions only seem to set one up for disappointment."

Now that we have a wee one, I've found that planners, itineraries and goals are extremely important. If I don't actually write it down, the thought pops into my head, I think, "Yes! I need to do that!" and it's forgotten roughly a half hour later. Or when Henry throws a fit, whichever comes first.

That said, this will be the first year I'm actually going to set a few "resolutions" for 2015. So that I'm accountable for *something*, ya know?!

Here goes:

- Read more. I haven't finished a book in over a year. That's pathetic, isn't it? I want to devote 10-30 minutes at night for reading so that I can accomplish this and sleep better.

- Improve my physical performance. This has nothing to do with weight or size - I'm happy with where I'm at with both of those. However, I can currently do about five push ups. That's it. I want to increase that this year. I mean, c'mon. Five? That's just sad! Hello, increased strength.

- Keep on growing this blog. I've had SO much fun in 2014, and I only blogged half the year! I have some exciting things already lined up for 2015, and I can't believe this little "hobby" of mine is turning into what it is. Doing what you love truly leads to great things!

- Practice patience. I tend to get antsy and want things to happen faster, and spend a lot of time planning for the future. I want to focus on enjoying the present more in 2015. Life is so, so good. It's time to focus more on what I'm grateful for now, and less of what I'm aiming for and wish I had in the future.

What about you? Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Things you want to do more of or perhaps change about your life? Tell me all about them!


  1. So, I'm liking what you said about resolutions= disappointments. I call mine resolutions, but really, they're like yours... goals. I usually set one big one for the year and then add in lots of smaller ones. I have 21 this year! Which, don't worry, I'm not about to list out here. Haha! I have reading and increasing my exercise levels on my list too. Yours are great. And totally realistic. I find that I have to make mine specific or I won't do them... Good luck with these! =)

    1. Exactly! I feel like when people say, "resolutions" it's usually something pretty dramatic (I'm going to find the love of my life and get married this year!) so it sets you up for disappointment. 21?! Dang girl, you're ambitious! Can't wait to read about them!

  2. I agree 100%. I've never been one to set "clear" resolutions, either. I do have goals, but I typically don't limit them to a year.
    I also want to start reading more. I do read some, but not nearly enough. I think I finished 6 books this year.
    I do know that I am going to be more diligent with my fitness this year. I let myself slide too much in 2014 with the wedding and all of our traveling. I'm going to build my mileage back up and dog-gone-it I'm going to a yoga class!!! (Plus, I'll continue my practice at home). Thanks for helping with that, btw.

    1. Yes! Maybe that's why people fail at resolutions? Because they're lofty and require more than a year to accomplish, but if they don't feel like they've reached some success they just give up on them? I don't know, but every blogger is talking about them right now. Some I find realistic and some I'm like, whoa lady... Slow down your expectations!


  3. Ooo... and as far as books go--you should absolutely read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

  4. I just wrote about my goals for the year too! Trust, I understand about forgetting a thought almost immediately with kids! haha! I just finished reading Gone Girl! Loved it!
    xo Krissy @ Sneakers and Sequins

    1. Isn't it funny how that works?! We have all these great thoughts, and then our kids need us/something, and when we try to return to the thought, it's just a big blank empty space, lol! Ohhhhh, Gone Girl is on the list for sure :)

  5. Really great resolutions Paige. As you know, I'm not making any "resolutions" or goals for 2015; I had quite a few for 2014. I love reading so I read a ton, but totally agree with you on the physical performance piece. My push ups should use some work.
    Cheers to 2015!!

    1. Do you know why I love you and your blog?! Because you were the ONLY blogger who was just straight up like, "Yup. No goals." I seriously LOVED that! You're have a wonderful 2015!

      What's up with push ups being about the hardest thing ever? Sheesh!

  6. Yay for more blogging. I am going to try the same thing. Praying that your 2015 is THE BEST YET!!!!!

  7. i'm a sucker for new years resolutions, but like you said i am definitely one of the losers who ends up failing pretty quickly and then getting mad at myself. oh well. hoping this year is better because i feel like i have made more realistic or at least attainable goals. reading more should be on everyone's list! lol. i can only do 1 push up right now, and it's pretty pathetic. i used to be able to do like 20 in a row, oh how i have fallen.

  8. You may have already read this but I just started Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. My husband couldn't believe I had never read it so he got it for me and I'm into it! It's one of those dystopian type stories that are super hot right now..but the interesting thing to me is that this fiction novel was published in 1932! This guy was WAY ahead of his time so I'm super excited to tap into the futuristic imagination this guy. It's also a super short read. My copy only has 259 pages. Good luck with all your goals girl!! xx
