uncomplicated: High Five for {All Positive!} Friday


Friday, December 12, 2014

High Five for {All Positive!} Friday

Sheesh, have you read the posts around this blog lately? I want to quit my SAHM role, I'm uninspired here... I sound like a regular N
egative Nancy and Debbie Downer!

Yes, the last few weeks have been challenging with a husband traveling excessively to finish out the business year, a baby who has a ton of appointments right now to correct his torticollis and two dogs to look after. #frazzeled

But you know what?! Life really isn't *that* rough. Even in some of the more challenging times, there's always the bright spots. Let's focus on those, and end this week on a positive, shall we?

1) I finally have a haircut booked! My hair hasn't been cut since last March. Gross. I'm contemplating cutting my chest-length hair (ooooooook, it's "boob length") into something like this. Thoughts? (This is pretty close to what I had going on for my blog pic, as seen to the right -->)

2) I had explosive growth on Instagram because of Bloggy Moms, won a beautiful necklace during a twitter chat, and was asked to join the editing team at Mavatar. Social media for-the-win this week!

3) My yoga studio implemented a "Wine Down Wednesday's" program. They serve us free wine after class. So I've been able to kick it with a few of my FAVORITE Dallas yogis with a glass after we sweat it out together, and I'm loving it.

Free wine after yoga on Wednesdays? Yes, please!

4) My mom read my blog post from Monday and decided to fly into town to help me next week. Whoop! Guess who's going to get her haircut (see above) and nails did?!

5) The nonprofit Wrap Buddies is putting awesome decal on Henry's DOC band, and is throwing a party for all the families getting their kiddos helmets decked out! I'm so excited to see these babies, stylin' and profilin' in their shiny new bands. Party is lunchtime today (Friday)! Watch Instagram for what the final product looks like.

Henry's undecorated DOC band... We're likely getting it done as you read this!

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend filled with friends, family and love!

http://www.meetat-thebarre.com/ http://farmerbell.blogspot.com/  photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.png


  1. How fabulous about the Wrap buddies!!!! Definitely going to follow along!!! Awwwwww I am so glad your momma is coming out! I swear when my mom comes in town I'll get out of the shower and my entire place is clean and she's dusting my porch or something crazy like that. Can't wait to see how your hair turns out I love that cut. Contemplating it after the wedding to tell you the truth.

    Okay thats it I totally want to move to Dallas and drink wine with you after yoga now!

    1. Ha, my mom is the same way! I turn my back for two minutes and she's already scrubbed the tub, make me my favorite dinner and has started my laundry. Dang mom's are just the best!

      Ohhhhhhh, that's what I did! I had it long for our wedding, then got rid of 6 inches. In fact, that was the last time I've had it cut...

  2. I saw that wine down Wednesday picture on your instagram and thought it was so brilliant of your yoga studio. What a great way to build a community and not to mention, enjoy wine! Win. Win.

    What a good Mom you have :) I work with new Moms and we always recommend they do things like hair cuts and nails for their well-being. At the end of the day, you need to feel good, sexy and pretty too!! Oh and yes to the hair cut idea! Jaelan cut hers in a bob too and I love it! I wish I had straighter hair and could pull it off. And you think March is bad? I haven't cut mine since last December ! Gulp. xx

    1. Isn't the wine idea fabulous?! I was thrilled. And a big yes to hair and nails for new moms... And experienced moms! We give so much time to our kids, it's important to still do a little something for yourself!

  3. What a sweet mama you have! That is so cool about the Wrap Buddies! Sounds like a great company!
    LOVE the cut too! Can't wait to see you all did up lady!

    1. Wrap Buddies went all out for us! They brought in a catered lunch, Santa, toys and even some star power... Ever heard of Gas Monkey Garage (I hadn't, but my hubs had)? They were all there too!

  4. Wine Down Wednesday is now going to be a thing for me. With or without yoga. Can't wait to see how Henry's band turns out!

  5. Henry is so adorable, can't wait to see him all decked out and decorated! and yay for your mom coming out, so nice! that hairstyle would look super fetch on you. doooo eeet.

    1. I'm doing it! Now I just need to decide if I should go super blonde or keep it "winter blonde"... Thoughts? When it's blonder, I just look more healthy and tan even if I'm not, lol!

  6. I'm going to start suggesting Wine Down Wednesday to my yoga studio. I've seen a studio that offers free green juice samples after classes but I'd much rather have wine.

    1. Isn't that awesome?! Our studio coordinator does tons of healthy stuff too, but she was like, 'You know what? A glass of red is a healthy thing, as is relaxing! I'll go get some bottles!" And thus, a great concept was born ;)

  7. I think I'm going to go for it and just cut it off! I wasn't blessed with thick shiny hair like you (!!! omg, yours is beyond belief!) but I can pull off a shorter 'do quite nicely. Happy weekend girl!
