uncomplicated: Mommy Monday: Wild Saturday Nights


Monday, August 25, 2014

Mommy Monday: Wild Saturday Nights

Last weekend, I was up to these shenanigans.

This weekend looked much, much different.

I managed to catch a fairly nasty head cold, so we cancelled all our plans with friends and decided to lay low on Saturday.

Laying low entailed going out to dinner at 4pm (yes - you read that right. It was still the afternoon. I'm pretty sure we ate even before all the senior citizens of America.) We headed to a little neighborhood joint, grabbed crab cake sandwiches and a pint/glass of wine.

Since we were done before 5:30 (!!!) we decided to go drive by a few houses we've been looking at. We were those creepy people staring at a house from a parked car, pointing and commenting on it while our baby slept in the backseat. After we saw one we really liked and the other that was far overpriced, we decided to head home. I mean, it was 6pm by this point, and getting far too late!

Once we were home, it was playtime! Henry rocked out to lullaby music and batted at his jungle friends, and the four-legged boys played tug of war with a bunny rabbit. Daddy moderated the batting practice and refereed the tug of war game while mommy snapped pics from the couch.

Action shot of the moderation: you gotta hold the dog that's three times the size of the other back for fairness!

7pm rolled around, so the bedtime routine started. Jammies, diaper change, bottle, bed. Once Lil' H was out, mommy and daddy poured themselves some adult beverages and binge-watched Orange Is The New Black until it was just past their bedtime.

That was our wild and crazy Saturday night as parents of an infant! It's pretty reflective of  most our Saturday nights, in fact. And while I likely bored you to tears, I love our calm weekend nights, and would chose this lifestyle over last weekend time and time again!


  1. OITNB is amazing. I don't blame you for binge watching.
    We eat super early, too. Like 5 pm most days. :-/ Makes us feel old, but we have to run and we can't run on a full stomach. Now we've gotten so used to eating so early, we are ravenous if we don't eat by 6... even on our rest days. Oops.

    1. Haha! I think running/training, babies, and being 75+ yrs old are solid excuses for eating early. Like, REAL early!

  2. Sorry to hear about your head cold, but aside from the early dinner - it sounds like a great Saturday night!!

    1. We used to eat dinner between 9-10pm! It's like I don't even know us anymore.... :)

  3. Is it completely terrible that this sounds alot like our average Saturday night routine with Frasier instead of OITNB and minus the infant?

  4. ohhh i finished the second season of OITNB the other week, it's SO good! xo jillian - stop by I'm hosting a great giveaway on cornflake dreams

    1. Seriously! I love it. It's not *as good* as my beloved House of Cards, but I'll for sure be watching as long as they keep making new seasons!

  5. I love low key weekends! They are some of my favorite! I've binge watched OITNB too so I feel ya giiiirl!
    xo Krissy @ Sneakers and Sequins

    1. I just don't understand how to NOT binge watch anything on Netflix... It's all right there!

  6. Sometimes those are the best nights! I love hanging out on the couch and relaxing especially after a fun and wild weekend the week before :) Orange is the New Black is sooo good and highly addictive. And you think you're creepy for driving by houses, when I was a kid I wanted my superhero power to be invisible so I could go into strangers houses and look at how they decorated! Talk about being weird! haha But I really do love seeing people's houses because everyone's has a stamp of their personalities. Hope your cold gets better soon :)

    1. Haha! I love that superhero power! I also find it interesting to see what people do with their homes. And I often wonder, "You seriously thought that looked good?!" But I'm a minimalist who lives in over-the-top-Dallas, so I think that a little too often :)
