uncomplicated: Fun Little Upgrades


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fun Little Upgrades

Pictures are key to having a successful blog. Everyone wants clear, well lit, high res photos to illustrate what they're talking about and draw in readership. A DSLR camera and photoshop skills are necessities, it would seem.

So obviously, I use my iPhone camera. Because I don't own a fancypants one.

One of these days we might upgrade me to a DSLR, but that would require me learning a whole new tool for this little blog of mine. And with a newborn, I'm just happy with consistently publishing my three posts per week! Maybe I'll set that as a goal for the coming year: have my sister, who is a photographer, teach me some fancypants photography tricks.

In the interim, I thought I'd stick with photoshop and my little iPhone.

And then my hubs came home with a surprise for me one day last week: an Olloclip. He had spoken to my SIL, who is also a photographer, about what she used on some of her photos he had seen recently, and she told him it was this iPhone attachable lens. It comes with three lens' - a zoom, fish-eye and wide angle lens (wide angle photos not shown here because it would show you too much of a messy baby house and it's too hot to venture outside with it!)

Olloclip zoom lens

I'm super excited to get familiar with this thing! It seems like the perfect accessory for me right now - it will provide "upgraded" photos without having to learn the ins-and-outs of a "real" camera. (It's actually pretty ridic that I know as little as I do about photography, because my father is also a photographer! I mean, seriously?! Why did I not inherit these artistic skills?!) Anyhoo, if you're like me and don't have the time to learn how to manually focus your photos and/or learn about photo composition etc.etc., this lens seems to be a great alternative. Here's some fun I've had getting to know this little clip:

Olloclip fish-eye lens

Olloclip zoom lens


  1. How fun!! That has to be the perfect accessory for taking photos--especially with a newborn. Plus... taking time to learn a new skill is HARD. I can't imagine doing it with a baby, too!

    Love the fish eye! So cool.

    1. All I could think of as I was snapping pics with the fish eye was, "is this how fish really see the world?! Or is this just a clever marketing trick to sell the lens?!"

      But seriously, now I'm thinking about it again, so now I have to go google the answer!

  2. I never knew there was such a thing for the iPhone. I need to get one for sure! I actually have a DSLR camera but I don't use it like I should because I'm lazy. It is big and I am usually prepared when I see a picture I want to take. Lame excuses; I'll do better lol.

    1. I had no idea either! The downside is that it won't fit over your iPhone cover, so you still need some level of 'preparedness' when using the lens (take off your cover, click on the lens, etc). Still way easier and smaller than a big DSLR!

  3. That's so cool! I should get one of these for when I don't want to lug around my huge camera!

    1. Do it! This thing comes with a little pouch to hold it and the lens covers - so much easier than a big, awkward camera!

  4. We're still living in a pre-smart-phone world, but I've heard the camera can do some pretty awesome things. I still use my DSLR for pictures--hopefully your family can teach you some tricks. :)

    1. I'm excited to get one someday and learn all about it! The quality is so much better... It's on my list of goals for the coming year :)

  5. I've heard of these lenses. Where'd you buy them? I'm tempted to get one because sometimes it's hard to lug my giant camera around and it's not very discrete!

  6. My husband got me these! I've only used them a few times and never really think about them. I should get them out to play too.
    Did you need to glue a magnet to your phone for yours? Mine does which is probably why I don't use them much, I'm hesitant to do that..
