uncomplicated: High Five Because It's Friday


Friday, August 8, 2014

High Five Because It's Friday

Would you care to know why I like weekends so much? I mean, I'm a stay at home mom. My bed time and wake up time are about the same regardless of what day of the week it is. I can day drink on a Tuesday if another SAHM wants to join me. I get to workout mid-day if I care to (although I have a week left on my gym-baby-care countdown!).

My weekends are great because my husband is home, and there's two of us to tackle baby care. This means I might get to drive by myself, in my Volvo-mom-carSUV, with the {massive} sunroof open, windows down and music cranked. (No loud tunes allowed with baby). I can squeeze in a yoga or barre class (or two!) and I get to have dinner out with the two most handsome boys I know! Usually, we get to see at least one set of our Dallas friends.

And then after all this weekend activity, Henry is WORE OUT on Sundays, and sleeps like a king. Which means mommy and daddy sleep like kings {or queens}.

That's why I say cheers to the freakin' weekend! What about you?

Highest Five moments of the week:

1) I received this in one of my recent Birchbox's, but just started to play with it this week. The colors are GORGEOUS! I haven't gone all out and done a full smokey eye yet, but the darkest color will be perfect for that.

Glad to know my eye makeup is made in China... *sigh*

2) I was able to grab lunch with two other lovely mama's, Jen and Cassie, with their beautiful babies {Henry sat at a table full of chicks, and loved every moment of it}. We gabbed for several hours about life and mommy-dom, and our kiddos were all champs the whole time! And then... Lil' H and I got home. 20 mins later, the biggest diaper blowout known to man happened. No, his diaper back side whole body was, in fact, a war zone. I'll spare you further deets. On the plus side, it was his first blow out and he waited until we got home to blow that $h!t up. Literally. And by literally, I mean it.

3) I have a professional-grade teeth bleaching thingy that I've been using for the past week. It's working! And it doesn't burn like Crest WhiteStrips! I wanted to get a touch-up on the whiteness for quite some time, but it's not pregnant-woman-approved, and I was stuck being a pregger for a while there... Good to go now!

Getting this made was a bummer - they pretty much gag you with some awful goo used to make the mold... But it works!

4) I finally got new contacts! For those who wear them, you know when they're so old that you can't tell if they're inside out because the blue ridge of the lens is no longer blue? Yeah. That was me. For about two months. Why do I wait so long, you ask? I dunno. But I always do.

5) I've been informed I'm officially some sort of "mommy blog" so... What post would be complete without posting a pic of THIS GUY, who is 12 weeks old today!

Have a fantastic weekend, y'all! Be sure to check out these other lovely bloggers I link up with to keep your Friday's fully entertained:

 That Friday Blog Hop
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  1. Cheer to the weekend, girly! Henry is so freaking sweet! I always wear my contacts way longer than I should, too. Oops. I'll never learn. However--I DO always take them out when I sleep. I started to get an ulcer on my eye a few years ago because I was too lazy to take them out. Eek. No more! Lol

  2. That little babe is just the cutest - how could you not include a picture?! I use crest whitestrips and haven't had that burning feeling...and hopefully don't get it! But I'm all for teeth being white :) Hope you have a great weekend and try that smokey eye out!!

    1. Thanks lady! I think he's a handsome little man :) And I'm all about a smokey eye tonight! Have a great weekend!

  3. That little nugget is TOO CUTE!!! ahhhh! have a great weekend and get lots of sleep!

  4. Hey lady I linked to you in a post today!
    xo Krissy @ Sneakers and Sequins

  5. Your little guy is darling!! Congrats! I'm the same way about weekends--I work from home and pretty much have the same schedule one way or another because my husband works non stop so I might as well fill my time with work--but then again, at least some of my friends are actually around on the weekends hah! I have the revealed 1 pallet and love it!

  6. That palette looks awesome! Love those colors. Your little guy is adorable!!! PS – your email is still set to no-reply. I tried responding to your last comments, but couldn’t. Dang blogger…always making things difficult!

  7. What a cutie!!!!

    I need to get contacts. I have been wearing glasses when needed the last few years...but that when needed has turned in to ALL the time and I HATE looking at frames all day.

    Love those eye shadow colors! So pretty!
