uncomplicated: High Five for {Bid'niz} Friday!


Friday, November 7, 2014

High Five for {Bid'niz} Friday!

This week was FULL of  extreme highs and some crappy lows for An Uncomplicated Life Blog.

First, I had an explosion of business opportunities reach out to me. Some really exciting stuff, y'all! I started this blog to have fun and keep my mind active while I stay home to start a family, and it's exploded into so many business partnerships and marketing collaborations. I never dreamed it would take off like this, and I have all of you to thank for that! Thanks for being my loyal readers, friends. This whole adventure has been nothing but a BLAST.

Second, and less fortunately, I got my first negative comment from an anonymous commenter. This person was on a mission. If you were one of the bloggers I reached out to for tips on how to manage that, a heart felt thank you!

Back to the positives, here's a recap of the other awesome moments of the week:
1) Making Mrs. M and I launched our Instagram link up! If you haven't checked it out yet, and are a fan of Insta, make sure to link up with us (and check out our awesome giveaway!)

Come link up at www.anuncomplicatedlifeblog.com

2) My favorite barre teacher is finally back from her maternity leave. Rachel - thank you for coming back! Nobody has the moves, cranks up the tunes, and works the booty like you.

3) The weather has FINALLY cooled off here in Texas. This means soup weather, which is my favorite thing to cook and eat! I threw together this Pinterest recipe (with a few changes) and it was deeeeeelish. {Changes: add 3 bay leaves; use red fingerling potatoes, substitute a real onion for onion powder.}

The beginnings of corn-potato chowder

4) I got the wheels turning to start to teach yoga (again). This place pays for my childcare while I teach. Whhhhhaaaaattttt?!?!?!? #amazeballs

5) Hubs and I were channels surfing one night when we landed on Tosh.0. Now, I don't find this dude remotely funny. His delivery is seriously lacking. But hubs was like, "People tell me I look like him nearly everyday." So I went on a goole-image-rampage, and wouldn't you know... Truth! I was amused.

Same nose, face shape and forehead. Whoa.

I'm going to continue my bloggy-business-high straight into this weekend. I hope you all have an equally awesome time. Make sure to checky-check out these beauties' blogs, too:

 photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.png  http://farmerbell.blogspot.com/http://www.meetat-thebarre.com/


  1. Oh my gosh! He DOES look like Tosh! How hilarious.

    How exciting for your blog and YOU! You deserve it, girlfriend.

    Have a great weekend--thanks for the recipe! I may try it this weekend.

    1. Thanks bloggy BFF! Isn't it funny how much they look alike?! Glad my hubby isn't an a-hole like Tosh, though ;)

      I think I also put an extra "splash" of cream in the soup too. Make sure to do that!

  2. Yay for super successful weeks!! Congrats!!
    ps. Mean commentators suck. :/ Sorry about that!

    1. Aren't successful and productive weeks the best?! Have a great weekend :)

  3. I don't like Tosh.O either, but he really does look like him. Congrats on the new opportunities!
    Mean commenters are just unhappy people I swear. Let it roll off your back girl!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. It's kinda creepy how much they look alike. In fact, Kirk has three brothers, and this guy looks more like him than any of his siblings!

      Totally true about negative commenters. Whatever they have going on is their own issue and not a reflection of you, your writing or your blog!

  4. I was actually thinking that he reminded me of someone when you showed me the picture of him at the wine bar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time... definitely Daniel Tosh! Congratulations on all of the great opportunities coming your way! Can't wait to see what fun stuff you come up with. Sorry to hear you had a difficult comment. That's just a sign that you're growing and finding a bigger audience. Also, the chowder looks delicious!

  5. I'm going to say your husband is 100x better looking that Tosh...and it could be because I just loathe that show LOL!! I'm sorry you had a negative comment, I dont understand why people would take the time to read your blog and then write something negative!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. that is so awesome about the childcare!
    that sucks about the negative commentor - was it the one about 'special needs'? i didn't see the first comment but i did see the follow up. she just took your words and twisted them, you absolutely did not intend it that way, whatever. she obviously has no balls to hide behind anon! have a great weekend doll.

    1. RIGHT?! Who offers that anymore, seriously?

      Yeah girl, that was the one! S/he wrote me three thrilling novels of comments. Maybe you could do a book review for him/her?! Hahaha!

  7. How exciting about the blog business! Funny that your hubby and Tosh look similar. I didn't really like the show a whole lot either but my bf loves it!

    1. Seriously, it's so much fun and I can't even believe I'm getting paid to do this kind of stuff. Agree, men seem to love Tosh (hubby does too) but I'm just sitting on the other end of the couch, looking at him in amazement at what he's laughing at. Ah well, Venus and Mars, right?

  8. Yeah!!!!! So happy for you with all your blog success! You totally deserve it you have such a great voice that really comes out in your writing! I mean.......your husband is clearly more handsome but.....the nose is definitely dead on! Hope you are having a great weekend!!

  9. I'm excited for your intagram linkup! I do love Instagram. Your hubs really does look like Tosh haha that sucks about the mean comment. I never know why those people bother but it sounds like you're shaking it off and staying positive. Good for you xx

    1. Whoohoo, come link up with us! Doesn't he look like him? I was shocked. And who knows what the deal is with trolls, there's no reasoning with them - they're just on their mission and it's never a good one.
