uncomplicated: Mommy Monday: Ahhhh, Teething


Monday, September 8, 2014

Mommy Monday: Ahhhh, Teething

Right when you think you've exited the "bad newborn baby" stage and entered brighter pastures, something happens: your young'un starts to grow some teeth.

I was able to snap this selfie before Henry drooled all over himself on football Saturday. Bibs are our new friend.

We're in the early phase, where the tooth is starting to come up through the bone. But poor Lil' H is suffering from the tell-tale signs. Some are quite miserable for him; some are quite a bummer for mama.

The poor boy is chewing on his hands nonstop (he only wants his hands - wont take teethers, chew toys, anything), drooling like a champ, developed extreme diaper rash and has several, massive, runny diaper blowouts per day (which make the diaper rash worse). Poor baby!

Burt's Bees diaper ointment has been a lifesaver for Henry's poor bottom during this unfortunate time. It was also recommended to us to put a blanket down outside and let him hang out for a while to let everything "air out." Outside of that, offering teething toys and wearing an amber necklace is about all we have on our offensive line for teething.

What have you done to help your poor mini-me during the teething stage? How long can we expect this to last? Any tips, tricks or helpful information is much appreciated! We head to his four month appointment next week, where I'm sure I'll learn everything I've been doing is "all wrong" but in the interim, I'll do whatever works and take any and all advice from my fellow mama's or ladies who care for little ones!


  1. I bought my sister Baby Orajel Naturals Teething Pain Relief ointment for her baby shower. Months later, she called and thanked me profusely. It doesn't have any of the scary ingredients that have been liked to infant deaths, so she felt comfortable using it--and it worked. Maybe that would make it less painful for him.

    Poor little H.

    1. Ohhhh, thanks lady! I'll head out and get that. I wish I would have gotten/known about gas drops, gripe water and now this stuff right from the beginning!

  2. no tips, but big hugs! lol. he is seriously adorable, hopefully this stage wont last long - for either of yours sake!!

  3. Infant Tylenol (or ibuprofen after 6mo) will be a lifesaver at bedtime! Otherwise extra cuddles & everything you're already doing! You could try offering him a chilled (not totally frozen) wet washcloth to chew/suck on. Good luck! Mom of three here to tell you teeth will be your nemesis for the next year plus...it's unfortunate they don't all come in at once! Hang in there!

  4. Teething is the pits! Mason started teething (confirmed by his doctor) at 3 months old and didn’t break a tooth through the gums until he was 9 months old! It was so painful for my little guy. He drooled like crazy and always looked like he had a mad face! I hope teething is much better for your little guy! Mason's pedi suggested soaking a washcloth in apple juice and then freezing it for him to chomp on. The coldness helps to numb the teeth and the sugar from the apple juice is a natural pain reliever!

    1. I really like the apple juice idea! He had a bit of sugar water with his shots, and didn't mind those one bit. That's brilliant!

      And what's with these early teethers?! Dangit.

  5. We are going through this right now too! My 4 month old actually has already cut 2 teeth and they are all the way through. But I can tell he is working on some more because he is still super drooly (& also only likes his hands to chew on). We just got him an amber teething necklace that is supposed to release anti-inflammatory properties when warmed against their skin (they don't chew it). I'm hoping that starts soon. Also our doc recommended hylands teething tablets but haven't tried those yet. Hope he gets some relief! And you too. I know exactly how you're feeling.
