uncomplicated: High Five for {Slacking} Friday!


Friday, September 26, 2014

High Five for {Slacking} Friday!

Ok, y'all, so my sister flew into town from NYC on Wednesday night to meet Henry for the first time. Since then, we've been playing, walking with the stroller, eating and drinking, and generally doing anything but paying attention to the internet and blogging.

You know, outside of doing a little facelift on this little blog of mine.

So, I'm slacking this Friday. I got nothin'.

I'm simply posting to tell you to have a great weekend, that I'll be back Monday with some real posts, and that I hope you have as good of a time this weekend as I plan on having with my sis and Henry plans on having with his Auntie.

But hey, these beauties have some content for you on a slow workday Friday! So head on over to them to be entertained, mmmmk?


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  1. Enjoy your time with your sister! How fun! Happy Friday, Paige!

  2. aw hope you all are having a ball! love the blog face lift :)

  3. sometimes we've got nada. :) thanks for the shoutout and linking up anyway, gal!! love having you!

    1. You know, that's exactly where I was at last Friday. I *could have* faked it til I made it, but I was like, "nah." And linking up with you is my favorite time of the week! Xo
