uncomplicated: High Five for {you guessed it} Friday!


Friday, September 12, 2014

High Five for {you guessed it} Friday!

Hey readers and friends, it's the weekend. Not only that, it's a cool weekend (cool defined as mid-80's here in Tejas) and that means we'll be able to do some fun things outside this weekend. Whoop! Patio dinners, maybe a trip to the Dallas Arboretum or the zoo... The possibilities are endless when you're not confined to a 2,000 square foot space.

Not only am I jumping for joy over the cool-down, this week was a pretty darn good one to boot. Here are the highlights:

1) I took a step back from excessive blogging to get out and enjoy some real-world activities. I love the blogging community, and it's been a sanity-saver for this SAHM, but it was starting to become a bit too consuming and I needed to get out and see some real life people and do real life things, ya know? So I got together with some lovelies and we spent the afternoon creating a fall garland.

Fall garland: we dipped leaves in wax, then gave them a solid coat of glitter. In fact, Henry is still covered in it!. So. Much. Glitter.

2) In yet another episode of Target Style fail, they don't carry size 32 bras! I was hoping to pick up a few cheap "transitional" braziers (still really, really hoping the girls go back to their original size!) but dang Target doesn't carry one single 32 inch bra. So I went to Victoria's Secret because I know they have my size... And I was for sure the oldest person in that store. I felt like a creeper. With a baby. Then I just thought it was hilarious because Henry randomly started laughing at all the lip gloss they have at the register. Like, all out hysterical baby laughing. It was amazing.

3) Ever heard of eShakti? Yeah, I hadn't either until they reached out to me to review a custom made dress they so kindly offered to make me. I got to pick it out and customize it, and just got it in the mail. Special post next week coming on how to style the dress as we transition to fall along with some deets and special offers from the company!

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this sneak peek of my chambray, 1940's inspired dress

4) My husband did my ironing. No further explanation needed here.

5) I also finished my fall wreath in my mini-vacay from my blog. I'm going to add a few more leaves to it to make it a bit fuller, but here's the gist of how she turned out:

Fall wreath: 90% completed

In extra special news, check out my ad that just went live over at The Lauren Elizabeth! Click her  button (first one posted) to take you directly there:

  photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.png




  1. LOVE the wreath and I LOVE eShakti's fall pieces! I've gone a little overboard with them or I'd order some more stat. Maybe for a birthday gift in a month or so.....

  2. That garland is so creative! I've been reading about eShaki on other blogs and am so intrigued. It seems like most people have had success and I like the idea of designing it yourself. Enjoy the weekend with the cooler temperatures :)

    1. eShakti's marketing campaign was really brilliant. More about all that jazz next week... And thanks! We have some fun ideas since it's now cool enough to simply be outside with a baby. Yup. Texas is THAT hot.

  3. I've seen a few girls in those dresses. Love yours!
    So funny that your son just busted out laughing. I love it!
    Super cute wreath too!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Tiffany! The laughter was so random, and so so funny! I hope you have a great weekend, too!

  4. ohh loving the sneak peak of the chambray dress - gorgeous!

  5. Ah, your fall decorations are so pretty! And I love e-Shatki!

    1. Our house is pretty much covered in glitter from Sept- Jan for all the holiday decorating I do! I hadn't heard of eShakti until I saw it on a friend's blog, then the next week they reached out to have me do a review. Love their concept!
