uncomplicated: Mommy Monday: Weekend From Hell


Monday, June 9, 2014

Mommy Monday: Weekend From Hell

Warning: this post is going to be pretty lame.

Remember how on Friday I said that our air conditioning wasn't working properly? We had repair men come out twice last week, but our landlord is really good at calling people to come out and assess the problem, then never fixing it. Unsurprisingly, it didn't get fixed by Friday end of business day.

Also unsurprisingly, it's mid-90's to triple digit heat here in Dallas in June, and quickly shot up into the 80's in the house. Combine the heat with a SCREAMING baby (pumpkin was so uncomfortable!), some postpartum baby blues and me coming to the end of my rope with a landlord who charges luxury-level rent without really fixing any issue (and we've had MANY in this house - not cosmetic, I'm talking plumbing/sewage/heat/air - you know, basic utility issues) and I LOST. MY. S*@T.

Therefore, I don't have any good content for this Monday morning. I'm slowing collecting all the marbles I lost everywhere this weekend. Whew, trying to get it together, right? I'm sure at least a few of you out there can feel me!

However, a great post is coming! We did finally get our crib, mattress and changing table delivered. In between mental breakdowns and drips of sweat this weekend, we slowly started to put things together. Expect a full out tour of what we have going on later this week, but here's a quick pic of the progress so far:

Pewter wrought iron crib: Bratt Decor; crib bedding: Pottery Barn Kids; musical safari mobile: Babies R Us

The lighting when I took this wasn't ideal, and we don't have everything in place yet or hung on the walls, but hopefully this will pacify you as good as or better than a Soothie pacifies my son in this miserably hot house!

And to end this post on a positive, because truly - my family all has our health and we did get a window AC unit to put a band aid on our first-world problems - look at how pretty our front porch is! Honeydew, magnolia and all kinds of other flowers have bloomed all over our neighborhood, making my morning walks delightful (on soooooo many levels).

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