uncomplicated: High Five for Friday!


Friday, June 13, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Whew, it was a better week than last!

Kirk was yet again out of town all week, but my mom and I managed Henry's night-time fussiness much better than we did last week. Or at least, I thought so. There were also a few more highlights during the week to choose from for this post, so even if I didn't sleep as much as I think I did, bottom line is it appears to be a better week :)

Let's review the top five moments, shall we?

1) This kid LOVES bath time. I mean, looooooooooves it. He loves being in the water, he loves getting his hair washed (ahem! Peach fuzz, not hair. We're still in the peach fuzz stage, my poor blond boy... I was bald until nearly two years old with a blonde peach fuzz. Sorry Henry!), he loves snuggling up in the towel afterwards, he loves getting rubbed down with lotion, and all this love on his part makes me love giving him a bath, too!

Look at those long legs and that big belly! (Also, I LOVE this baby tub! It has a drain and a water pump so you can wash baby anywhere, and the infant insert is fantastic and makes my job so much easier!

THIS after bath face!

2)We "celebrated" what was supposed to be Henry's birthday on June 9. Instead, he's nearly a month old! We're so blessed he came out incredibly healthy and ready to live life to the fullest. Oh, and I'm also counting my lucky stars that his determination to come early meant that I was saved from the final, dreadful, huge weeks of pregnancy! That was so thoughtful of you, Henry.

3) I went on my first run in nearly four months! Whoohoo! It was hot and extremely slow, but I managed to get nearly three and a half miles in, and look forward to increasing both my distance and speed in the next few weeks. Sadly, yoga will have to wait two more weeks... But I'll be ready for my mat when I get the "all clear" from my doctor!

Three and a half weeks after delivering Henry... Not too shabby! Still have quite a bit of work to do, but I feel pretty good about where I'm at. Prenatal exercise ladies. Just do it. Go hard, too... You'll thank yourself for it later!

4) Last October, I received multiple J Crew gift cards for my birthday... Which was great, because it's my favorite store of all time, but I had just found out I was pregnant on Oct. 2! So, all shopping plans went on hold. Now that I can squeeze (and yes, I mean SQUEEZE) back into prepregnancy clothes, I'm thinking a little shopping trip is in order today. If I'm brave, I'll head to the actual store. If I wuss out, it will be an online shopping experience. Either way, I won't have to page through all the ugly maternity clothes manufacturers seem to think women want to wear!

5)  My friend Jen, who became a first time mommy about two weeks after I did, and I were feeling pretty squirrely being new stay at home mamas. Thanks to her hubby Tim and my mama Donne, we were able to escape for a New Mommy Date Night together! We went to A Fault in Their Stars so that we could cry out our hormones in the dark together and enjoy a bottle of wine with no baby interruptions.

I hope everyone has a simply lovely weekend and you're able to celebrate all the fathers and daddies in your lives!

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