uncomplicated: High Five for Friday!


Friday, June 27, 2014

High Five for Friday!

This week was bittersweet... My mom, who has been here in Dallas since Henry was a few hours old and has been a TREMENDOUS help these last six weeks, has flown back to Savannah. I'm now on my own during the days with the baby, and will be on my own for half the weeks of the month at night. While I'm excited to develop my own routine with him, I'm terrified at the lack of sleep I'm facing... And God knows when my next shower will be!

Regardless of that bitterness, there was some sweetness this week too! Here goes the best moments of the week:

1) I'm not going to say much about it because you'll be reading in detail about both the company and what we went with in a future post, but our custom-made diaper bag finally arrived! More to come on what goes on behind the scenes at this AMAZING company, but here's a sneak peek of next Monday's Mommy Monday post:

2) Since it was mom's last week here, Kirk and I escaped to what may be our last date night for a good while. We managed to get a few glasses of champagne and a great meal in at Taverna! Ahhh, an adult meal. That I ate while it was warm. Without a baby in my lap. Awesome.

3) I also made a point to head out to a yoga class while I still had someone to watch Henry. Of course I went with one of the studio's most challenging instructors. And of course I thought to myself, "WHOA, where did my abs go and why can't I do this anymore?!" Oh well. It will come back eventually, right?

4) If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen that my mom was able to capture this family moment. I think this might actually be the first picture of all three of us together! We're just missing the dogs to make it a complete family pic.

5) THIS HuffPost piece. In a market saturated with "15 Signs You're..." "Top 5 Things Nobody Tells You About..." and on an on, this is the first "list" piece that nails it, that actually puts into words why being a new mom is so damn hard. As someone who has been told "it's hard, but sooooo worth it" from friends, family members, sorority sisters - you name it - number one is especially true for me. I asked myself the question in number one several times this week alone (but instead of wanting a sugary drink, I've wanted to be back in Carmel, CA with Kirk, hiking Big Sur and drinking insane amounts of wine).

We're at the halfway point in our dreaded Fourth Trimester and I am sooooo ready for it to be over, and to sleep for more than two hours at a time at night again. But I'm also crying at every piece of clothing Henry outgrows, packing it away to maybe, one day, see it again. Becoming a mama has been one heck of a jarring experience, full of both the very BEST, rewarding and sweet moments of my life, and some of the most exhausting, draining, and bizarre moments. This article really does a wonderful job putting it into words, and it's great to know I'm not alone in all my crazy (sleep deprived) thinking! It was a great piece to run across this week.

That's all, folks! I hope you all have great plans for the weekend. Now go spend the rest of your workday, or lunch hour, or maybe even your Friday night if you're sans-plans checking out these other great blogs!


That Friday Blog Hop

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  1. Following you on Insta now girl! That picture melted my heart so sweet!

    1. Yay! Right back at ya, girl! But if I see any PSL pics, I'm out! 😜 xoxo
