uncomplicated: High Five for Friday!


Friday, October 10, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Ohhh, Hey Friday! It's been a while since I have posted you. Because two weeks ago my sister was in town and I was slacking off, and last week Ebolanado rolled through town and knocked out our power for FIVE DAYS (This storm lasted 20 minutes and no tornado was actually involved. Just rain and some wind.)

So now that it's October, I'm back at it!

1) I've been cooking up a lot of vegetarian meals recently. This one was a portabella-spinach-carmelized onion pasta with a goat cheese + thyme sauce. Hubs either liked it (!!!) or choked it down without complaining... Either way, we got our five daily servings of fruits and veggies!

Portabella-spinach-carmelized onion linguine with chevre-thyme sauce

2) My name has been legally changed for eight months or so now... And I just started to change my bank accounts and credit cards to the new one. It was easier to change my name with the frickin' government than it is to change it with any financial institution. Go ponder that one.

3) I dressed my kid in monsters twice this week:

Henry isn't as thrilled about the monsters as I am.

4) I was selected to start working with the BlogHer Publishing Network this month. I'm soooo excited about that!

5) A group of mommies and myself went to a pumpkin patch and petting zoo! It was the first time I've been to a pumpkin patch when it was well north of 90 degrees out. We were all sweating, but had a great time!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've might have seen this shot already. Just sweatin' it out at the pumpkin patch.

I hope everyone enjoys their October weekend! Before you clock out today, make sure to hit up these blogs, too:

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  1. I'm putting my app for Blog Her in today! Hopefully it won't take forever for them to accept or decline me.

    Uhh... recipe, please? That looks amazing.

    I agree about the bank accounts and name changes. My CC was SUPER easy to change. Like.... so easy it almost made me worry--and this is with a HUGE company. Not some small, lesser-known financial company. Weird.
    My personal checking account was fairly easy to close... I just had to go in and do it.
    Getting me (with my new name) on my husband's account that we now share was a nightmare. Apparently, he's had this account for 20 years and his mother was still listed, so we had to get HER to sign off on adding ME to the account before we could drop her.

    1. Isn't it crazy?! Getting my new SS was a breeze! Like, kinda scary easy. American Express pretty much wants a blood sample and an affidavit to change names and combine accounts. My personal checking is in a bank based out of Minneapolis, and I'll have to FLY BACK to close it and transfer funds, so that hasn't happened. But getting me added to the hubs accounts was a super easy 15 minute in-person appt. I mean, what the what?!?!?

      I'm just glad we waited until now to buy a house together because I've heard changing a name on a mortgage is a complete nightmare!

  2. oh my gosh that last picture is so cute!
    and yes please for the recipe, that looks amazing!
    i had to change my name in 2 countries (!!) and I still haven't changed with my bank because it's too hard. The real kicker? I worked for the bloody bank at the time, and I could change my name as an employee but as a customer it was too hard, so I gave up.

    1. I CANNOT even imagine having to do this with two countries. I *think* I just got a credit card changed, but it took forever and I quit the process twice before I committed myself to getting it done. Sheesh!

  3. Congratulations on your blogher gig!!! I was cracking up about your just sweating it up in a pumpkin patch.....it's like me girl ordering suede boots and it's 90 degrees out today....eventually Fall will hit right?

  4. Yay! It's so much fun with little ones. It will be even more fun when Henry actually knows where he is... Had I known fall would come in this weekend, maybe we would have waited!

  5. Yall are so stinking cute on that hay bale!!!!
