uncomplicated: Birthday Weekend Recap


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Birthday Weekend Recap

I turned 30 last Thursday.

I honestly forgot it was my birthday. My hubs came home late from work on Wednesday and had a cupcake with a candle (ok, it was actually an upside-down match, since he forgot the candle!) and a few presents for me since we'd be traveling on Thursday. The presents were sentimental and Henry-related with the exception of a half day at a spa. I can't wait for that!

On my actual birthday, we flew into Savannah, GA, where my parents live. My mama has been excited about this trip for months now, and has spent the time outfitting their SUV with a car seat, putting together a crib for Henry, and shopping for necessities like diapers, wipes, etc. for our visit.

This made our life so much easier!

My BFF Amber drove down the coast from Richmond, VA to join me for my birthday. Friday morning, Ambular (yes, like in the movie "Clueless") and I road tripp'd to Juliette to check out the town where the movie Fried Green Tomatoes was filmed, and to eat at the Whistle Stop Cafe. We are both obsessed with this movie - I easily watch it 12 times a year. We went to grad school in Savannah and always *meant* to go check it out, but it took us six years to actually get around to it!

Drinkin' sweet tea from mason jars and indulging in fried green tomatoes, BBQ and fried chicken!

Fried green tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
After our mini road trip, we headed out to my parents beach house on Tybee Island. Henry, my hubs and the fam stayed in Savannah. It was late, so we just grabbed some al fresco dinner and went back for a night cap on the veranda. This is what "doing it up" when you're 30 looks like... Yup.

The next morning, we got up and went on a four mile beach walk (I know it was four miles thanks to my RunKeeper app!) We also professed our undying love for each other:

We have a "ride or die" kind of love for each other: "Paige & Amber Partners In Crime 4 Life"
After our morning exercise, my mom came out to the beach house with the baby, and Ambs and I went and met my stepdad and husband at a bar... They picked us up in style: On my fam's boat!

Inter-coastal waterway

Selfie at AJ's Dockside before getting on the boat

After a day out on the water, we got back to the beach house around 4pm. I decided it was late enough to take Henry to the ocean without a risk of him getting sunburned. So I put him in a seersucker diaper cover embroidered with crabs (designer, that I picked up at a consignment shop for one whole dollar!) put on his hat and headed across the street to the beach.

Henry loved every minute of the beach! Even putting his toes in the cold water. He's a beach baby, for sure.
Baby on Tybee Island beach

 My folks, son and hubs headed back into Savannah and Amber and I were on our own for our last night. We walked to a place called Stingray's for supper, and sat outside while we enjoyed a bucket of beer, mahi mahi and crab cakes. We also ordered a local micro-brew, called Tybee Island Blonde. Because, photo-ops. Duh.

Blonde chick, blonde brew.
We had to get up early to head back into Savannah to meet up with the fam for our flight home. Amber took off for her long drive back to Richmond, and we took off for our two flights for Dallas. It was a lovely weekend, and the BEST way to turn 30.

I may be working on my wrinkle collection with three decades under my belt, but I have the absolute most wonderful friends; the greatest hubs for coordinating all this; the kindest and most giving parents for taking us all in and hosting us; and GET FRIGGIN SERIOUS: the cutest beach baby that ever was! Kid couldn't be more handsome if he tried.


  1. Yay! It sounds like you had the BEST birthday! I'm so glad you got to visit family and your BFF.

    And, uhh... that restaurant sounds amazing. Local beer, Mahi Mahi (my favorite), and crab cakes?! When are you taking me? ;)

    1. It was a good one! I'll take you to Stingray's as soon as we plan a trip to Savannah ;) Let's go!!

  2. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like a great trip and way to celebrate your 30th! I went to Savannah for my 30th last December and fell in love with the place and the food was to die for! I want to go back soon!

  3. awww how cute is Henry! love the upside down match instead of a candle.. my husband would be the one to forget my birthday, haha!

  4. First of all - happy belated birthday!!! What a great way to celebrate your 30th and I just absolutely love Savannah!!! Love the cute photos of Henry at the beach!!

  5. Happy Birthday! I looks like you had a great time. Enjoy that spa day!

  6. How great is this?! Sounds like a great trip full of all the things you love. Happy belated birthday, beautiful!

  7. Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the the 30 club. 30 is the new 20 at least that is what what I keep telling myself.

  8. Yeah happy birthday!!!!! I've only been 30 for a few months but so far I'm loving this new decade ;-) That is so fun you got to hang with your ride or die girl :)

    1. Yeah, I'm definitely more, "I don't even remotely care what you think of me" now that I've inched over into 30 land, and it's AWESOME.

  9. Happy belated birthday! I didn't know that was a real restaurant. So cool. I love that movie but it makes me cry every time. I'm happy you had a good weekend and on an unrelated note, your nail polish colour is fantastic

    1. It was more than a real restaurant - it was the whole town! With the dam and everything! So nerdy but so fun to spend the day to go see. I'd love to tell you what the color was, but it's a gel so it was something like, "8390-1" Whoomp.

  10. oh my gosh how fun! and warm! It is already cold here in Michigan so that looks awesome! I found you through the Lets be Friends Link up

    1. Thanks for stopping over! I'm from Minneapolis, so I know that cold well... And don't miss it one bit ;)

  11. What a fantastic birthday weekend! 30s are awesome ;) Stopping by from the Let's Be Friends linkup :)
