uncomplicated: Mommy Monday: This Might Save Me


Monday, July 28, 2014

Mommy Monday: This Might Save Me

I mentioned last Friday that my in-laws came to meet lil' H. This is their fourth grandbaby, and the other three lived in the same town as they do - all the way up until this past May, anyway. Regardless, because of that, my MIL knows quite a bit more about baby gadgets and trends than I do as a new mom!

One night we were enjoying a glass of wine together when she mentioned a baby swing that my SIL has that pretty much allows her to get stuff done around the house by keeping her baby occupied and happy. We have the rock n' play, which vibrates but you have to manually rock it. I'm also no a baby-gadget-hoarder, so I had avoided swings as something that would just take up space and be excessive.

However, it's been really challenging to get anything done around the house, since about one minute and thirty seconds after I put Henry in the rock n' play, he screams. And screams. And screams, until I pick him back up. My MIL mentioned this swing, and how great it was, and before I knew it, she headed off to Target to get it.

It's a bit blurry, but that's because Henry can't be in it without the movement. As long as it's rockin', he's in good shape!

The Fisher-Price swing is F-A-N-C-Y! The bucket can rotate for side-to-side or front to back motion. I think there's something like six speeds to choose from. It has a mobile that plays music, rotates little stuffed animals around, and has a mirror to get the baby's attention. We have the monkey version of the swing (there are many animals and colors to choose from) and there's a button for jungle noises. JUNGLE NOISES. It plugs into the wall so that you don't run out of battery power in a moment of crisis.

I don't remember anything so fancy when I was a babysitter back in the late 90's and early 2000's. So far, Henry really likes it. Calms him right down. I'm excited to see if this little swing will keep my son chilled out for just a few extra minutes so mommy can get the laundry done and keep the kitchen clean... And maybe time to eat a sandwich, although I won't be greedy here. Psssh, who needs sandwiches, anyway, right? Certainly not a new mom...

Here's to hoping!


  1. Woohoo! Looks like you found something that works! That is greatness. Enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet.

    1. YES!! Jaelan, I just had a peaceful hot shower. Do you know how long it's been since that happened?! Ohhhh, the sweet little things in life can sure brighten up a day :)

  2. We didn’t have very many gadgets with Mason, either! He much preferred someone’s arms rather than anything else. Ha! He’s our first {and only for now} and the first grandbaby on Nate’s side. His parents live right behind us, so there was always someone around to hold him. He was spoiled, to say the least. Lol. But this swing looks awesome! I will have to remember it if we ever have a 2nd baby. Glad it’s working for you and Henry!

    1. Oh, girl, if you do go for baby #2 - it's an absolute life saver! How awesome that y'all have family close by. Both sets of Henry's grandparents are a three hour flight away (in different directions). I would love for some family to be so close!

  3. We had one of these fisher price swings for both boys and I have since recommended them to EVERYONE! Honestly they are the greatest swing ever in my opinion. Mav was colicky and it was a god send. I loved how it had more than one direction for swinging!
    Hope this swing works as great for you as it did us!

    1. Ohmygosh, Virginia, I'm in LOVE with this thing! Every mama needs one. Period. I have a number of friends who are about to have babies (is it just me, or is there a massive baby boom going on?!), and I'm recommending it to everyone!

  4. That thing was a life saver for my sister (and auntie Amanda!) all her kids loved it and immediately fell asleep the minute they went in there!

    1. THIS SWING SAVES LIVES! All caps necessary.

  5. We borrowed one of these from a friend and our little girl just never took to it until she was MUCH too big for it :) But the Rock-n-play she loved. Babies are strange little creatures. But hey - whatever works, right? Glad this is saving your arms and sanity!!! Congratulations on becoming a mommy!! He is precious!

    1. Thank you! Yes, this thing is great. And you're so right - if/when we have #2, I'll likely pull this thing out as if it's the answer to all my prayers and then boom! S/he will scream nonstop in it. Silly babies.

