uncomplicated: High Five for Friday!


Friday, July 11, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday, dear readers! I'm attempting to get to a barre class REAL soon, so let's just jump on in to the best and brightest moments of the week:

1) It's summer time fo'sho down here in Texas. Which means I need to get outside for a workout no later than 8am, before it gets too hot to have Henry out there. And after a long night of feedings and soothing lil' H without help from a traveling daddy, sometimes getting out and about that early is simply not gonna happen. While I was still pregs, I bought the Tracy Anderson Precision Toning workout DVD (and a few others). I started it this week, and lemmetellya, I can feel it! This particular video has four parts, each targeting a different part of the body, and each lasting about 15 mins. Which is super handy, because I can do one section and if Henry isn't fussing, I can add a cardio burst (jumping jacks, high knees, burpees, etc) and start the next section. If not, I can incorporate the 15 minute segments throughout the day. Perfect!

2) Since Henry has long kissed his newborn clothes goodbye, I've had to do some shopping for him. Carter's was having a sale, so obvs I had to take advantage and get lil' H some fresh threads. They came early this week, and I died when I saw them:

Crabby jammies!

Preppy polo!

Bright plaid!

3) After a 72 hour solo shift with Henry while Kirk traveled for work, I got to spend the afternoon by the pool with two of my favorite Dallas ladies. We floated (when it's 103 in Dallas, you don't hang out BY the pool, you hang out IN it), sipped wine spritzers, and gabbed allllll afternoon. It was lovely.

4) My maternity photos came, so the nursery is NOW complete! The finished product:

Jungle frame above the changing table is full, and the nursery is now complete!

5) Henry is now not only sleeping in his nursery, but we began getting him to go down in his crib at night. All baby stuff has been taken out of our bedroom! Next up: get Henry to nap in his nursery... And get him to sleep longer than two or three hours at a time... Baby steps, right?

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

 That Friday Blog Hop
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  1. girl! thank you so so much for linking up! you're the best! and i'm loving those little outfits for your man!

  2. Stopping by from the link up! I love tracey anderson too when I'm not able to go to the gym! And those beautiful photos in the nursery. Have a great weekend!


    1. I pretty much can barely walk after doing her legs and butt workout. Tracy means business! Thanks for checking out my blog. Have a wonderful weekend! PS - your daughters are beautiful!

  3. #2 is so so so so cute! And #3 (post-72 hour shift) sounds amazing!
