uncomplicated: Good Riddance Rental From Hell


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Good Riddance Rental From Hell

Well friends, looks like we bought a house! I say *looks* because we don't close until the end of the month, and you just never know until the paperwork is signed and keys are in hand, amirite?

So now that the holidays are over and our Miami trip has concluded, it's time to start to pack. Oh, how I dread packing! But I have to be honest: I am SO excited to get out of the crappy rental home we've been in for the past year.

The rental from hell: Don't buy this place!

This was the rental from hell. The HVAC isn't the proper size for the house, so in the summer it's hot and in the winter it's freezing. It's not insulated, so it's drafty, and the windows are single-pane and original to the 1950's house. We've had $450/mo utility bills. The sewage has backed up into the yard three times (I'm talking toilet paper in the grass backup... Yeah...) The electrical wasn't done right, so I'm constantly blowing fuses. I have ONE outlet I can use my hairdryer on. One.

I would tell you what we pay in rent here, but you'd pass out. And I just get furious thinking about it.

Good. Freaking. Riddance.

I know I should be more attached to where we live now, since I was pregnant here and we brought Henry home from the hospital here. I adore the neighborhood... But I will not miss this house.

On to greener pastures! I've never been a homeowner before, and while the expense scares me half to death, I'm excited to live in a beautiful, quality home. I can finally get curtains hung in Henry's room to complete the nursery, and paint the walls colors I choose. We're re-doing the master bath so that it's exactly what I want.

So while moving is indeed a bummer... I am so excited to get out of the dumpy rental and into our first real home together!

Isn't the new home a beauty?! Yup.


  1. Congratulations! The new house is an upgrade for sure. There are definitely annoying things about owning a home, but at least you have the power and option to fix the things you don't like!

    1. Exactly! I'm a bit scared of what *could* go wrong... But at least I can call someone and have it fixed as opposed to suffering through it. Like sewage in the back yard.

  2. SUCH a gorgeous home!! I've lived a few really crappy rentals and there's nothing better than moving out!! Good luck with everything!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I'm going to be so ecstatic when we turn in these keys FOREVER and I never have to look at this place again!

  3. Woo hoo!! Congratulations girl and I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly for you all! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. oh my gosh - what a gorgeous new house!! fingers crossed everything goes smoothly. i totally agree, i didn't want to get excited or whatever until i had those keys in my hand lol. your rental is super cute in the photo, sucks it had so many issues!

    1. Thanks! We're pretty excited and hope everything goes well... And that those keys get in these hands! Yes, I was deceived about the rental too - looked cute and is in a fantastic neighborhood, and is a complete dump. Live and learn, right?!

  5. Oh my gosh. I am so incredibly excited for you. This is amazing. I can't wait to come see your new house!

  6. Wow that new house looks so great!! So happy you get to leave the rental from hell! I totally know the feeling.

  7. Such a beautiful house! I'm happy for you and your family. I know what it's like to live in a crappy rental!

  8. So excited for your new home! That rental sounds like it was pretty bad. And $450/month for a power bill!? Even when we were running our hot tub in the winter we never had a bill that high. Yikes!

  9. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! Being a homeowner is wonderful and so much more appreciated after being a renter. Congrats again! What a huge and great next step!

    1. Thank you so much! It's a little daunting to be making such a major purchase, but I'm so excited to never rent again! (Hopefully)

  10. Congrats on the beginning stages of moving and good luck with closing! It's a beautiful home! xx

  11. Oh my what a beautiful family home! Have fun decorating :) And with the rent - hopefully you weren't paying Vancouver type rent. That would be like over $2,000/month here for your old place.

  12. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! So gorgeous!!!!!! I love the new place so much! You are going to make tons of memories there! So happy for you!!!!

  13. Woooooooo your new home is gorgeous, congratulations!!! So long rentals!!
